Rocky mountains national Park, colorado



August 30-September 2



trip cost


flight cost

$490 (est.)


About this trip

Gooooood Mooooorning Sloanies! Ever wonder what it’s like to be Rocky Mountain High? At 7,600’ to 14,259’ (2,315m to 4,326m) you will be able to experience the call of the wild in Rocky Mountain National Park with stunning vistas, majestic wildlife (Elk, Bighorn Sheep, etc.), and new friendships.

We’ll have a mix of moderate-to-intense day hikes followed by relaxing, cooking together, games, and more. With the altitude and sun, these hikes could be a real test of your “Mens et Manus,” so be honest with yourself about your endurance and enjoyment in such a challenge! For at least one hike, be prepared to wake up before sunrise to be able to summit and return before the afternoon thunderstorm risk.

You will be led by Joe (MBA ’25) who during COVID neurotically researched every National Park and ranked them in an Excel sheet on factors based on the best time of year to go, how busy they are, coolness factors, and more. So, do with that what you will about the one we have chosen… Next, Grant (MBA ’25), your AdMIT day emcee and Raj , who lives and breathes in MIT entrepreneurship’s ecosystem. And last but certainly not least, Courtney (SO) who is the co-president of and a lead singer in the Rolling Sloans, MIT Sloan’s pop-rock cover band that puts on the best event of the school year.



August 30 Fly to Denver, drive to park, light hike, check-in, relax, homemade dinner, games

August 31 Breakfast, hike to scenic lunch, relax, homemade dinner, games

September 1 Breakfast, split hikes to scenic lunches, relax, dinner out, games

September 2 Drive to Denver and fly home


Learning & Culture


Physical activity


Parties & Nightlife


rest & relaxation



5 = Very frequently (daily); 1 = Infrequently (once)


Important Note

Other expenses No additional costs other than typical excluded costs (see the FAQ for more information)